In late 2003, as a result of research and clinical experimentation, Dr. Tedd Koren developed an improved form of chiropractic spinal care that is now called Koren Specific Technique. Patients can be more thoroughly analyzed than ever before, with the adjustments holding better and for longer periods of time.
What is Koren Specific Technique? The procedure is made up of three steps (the 3 Cs):
First Step
The first step, challenging, is part of the analysis procedure which involves a body part being gently moved in various directions. In a relatively short period of time the entire structural system can be checked: skull, spine, discs, hips, ribs, sternum, shoulders, arms, legs, hands, feet – literally anything that is out of position can be analyzed.
Second Step
The second step, checking, tells me if the body part is in its proper position. The base of the skull is used as a yes/no device.
Thus we have a binary or yes/no system telling us if an area needs or does not need to be corrected or adjusted. This system is akin to muscle testing (applied kinesiology or AK) wherein a muscle will become weak when confronted with a negative impulse.
Third Step
Step three, correcting. When an adjustment is needed the area is corrected using the Arthrostim™ adjusting instrument.